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Residential buildings

Every parking space in a new apartment building with more than 10 parking spaces should have the possibility to install its own charging station. Preparations for cable routing should therefore be made.
Think about this requirement already when thinking about the concept and wiring of the apartment building. The number of electric vehicles is constantly increasing and there will therefore be a greater need for charging stations in the future. By installing charging stations, you will increase the value of the housing units and solve the problem of charging electric vehicles.

Other new homes

Similar conditions apply to non-residential buildings. Every new building and alteration to a completed building which has more than 10 parking spaces, except a building for residential use, shall be provided with at least one charging station and wiring for the subsequent installation of an electric vehicle charging station for every fifth parking space if the parking lot of such building is located within the building and, in the case of an alteration to a completed building, the alteration also affects the parking lot or the electrical wiring of the building, or is physically adjacent to the building and, in the case of an alteration to a completed building, the alteration also affects the parking lot or the electrical wiring of the parking lot.

How do I choose a charging station?

The ordinance does not say what capacity the charging stations should have. Common residential charging stations have a capacity of 3.6-22 kW. Charging times for electric vehicles vary depending on the capacity of the battery and how often the car needs to be charged. Even charging stations with a lower capacity can charge most cars completely overnight. A high-performance charging station works very quickly, but remains unused for most of the remaining time. It is therefore advisable to use dynamic power management in the building.

Dynamic power management regulates the actual consumption of the charging stations to avoid exceeding the limits of the wiring and the reserved power. It will allow parts of the charging stations to operate quickly when needed. However, it will keep the overall charging impacts at low power levels

In buildings with dynamic power control, the correct value of the main circuit breaker must also be selected. Recommended values vary according to the number of parking spaces in the building.

How to measure consumption?

You can measure the consumption of each charging station separately. In this case, each charging station is a separate point of consumption and has its own contract with the distributor.

You can have a common metering for all charging stations in the building. The individual stations have sub-meters that belong directly to the owners of the parking space.

You can use our IONT info, dto not only monitor your energy consumption but also to manage your recharging efficiently. What else does the  IONT info app enable?

  • monitoring statistics
  • ​remote authorisation
  • RFID management
  • timer to start charging
  • user management

Elektromobilita a požární bezpečnost staveb 

U bytových domů se na nás často obrací majitelé parkovacích stání ve společných garážích s dotazem na možnost instalace dobíjecí stanice. Aktuálně neexistuje žádný konkrétní předpis stanovující, jak má takové parkovací stání vypadat a jaké má splňovat bezpečnostní opatření. Zájemce o zřízení dobíjecí stanice se tak může řídit metodickým doporučením platným pro projektování staveb, které zahrnují prostory pro výrobu a skladování baterií pro elektromobily a manipulaci s těmito bateriemi nebo prostory pro parkování a dobíjení elktromobilů v budovách.
Nicméně jde pouze o doporučení, jehož plné znění naleznete ZDE.

AC  charging station e:car WALL

Affordable charging station for overnight charging in apartment buildings or office buildings. One wallbox allows charging up to two electric cars at the same time.  Learn more

AC  charging station e:car MINI

Elegant and durable AC charging station for residential projects and office parks for slow overnight charging during the night or working hours. The bollard design allows this charging station to be placed in the parking lot adjacent to the house.  Learn more

AC  charging station e:car COLUMN

The most popular AC charging station in the Type 2 socket version with integrated cables or in a socket-cable combination.  Learn more

We offer solutions for the installation of charging stations in apartment buildings that include:

Professional installation

We provide complete installation of charging stations in your apartment building with the highest level of safety and in compliance with all rules and standards... Learn more

Safe access

Using an RFID smart card or pin code, we ensure that only authorized users can use the charging station.

Cost accounting

SWith our IONT.info system, you can accurately track your energy consumption and charging costs...Learn more